Software development at CTRFL is the culmination of our model development efforts, and these software packages are made publicly available, open-source, and restriction free. This page includes brief descriptions of this software and will ultimately include links to the software and documentation once ready for public release. Additional information on our current software development efforts will continue to be updated.
PDRs: Physically-Derived Reduced-Order Manifolds
A new solver has been developed for a two-dimensional manifold approach for modeling multi-modal turbulent combustion. The solver also includes the capability for one-dimensional manifolds valid in the asymptotic limits of nonpremixed and premixed combustion. The software is currently available as an independent program that can be utilized to precompute manifolds. Details on the underlying theory and algorithms is included in M.E. Mueller, Physically-derived reduced-order manifold-based modeling for multi-modal turbulent combustion, Combustion and Flame 214 (2020) 287-305
The release history of PDRs is detailed below. Licensing details and attribution details are included in the software distribution.
Release 1.0: PDRs-1.0
The initial development of PDRs was funded by the Army Research Office, Grant #W911NF-17-1-0391.
PUmp: Princeton University Multi-Physics
An all-new in-house, flexibly parallel flow solver is currently under development. The first phase of this project will combine our manifold-based approaches to turbulent combustion modeling with an all Mach number flow solver with MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallelization for heterogeneous architectures. Subsequent phases will introduce capabilities for additional physics and complex geometries. A release date for this software is still indeterminate.